The “Freckled” of The Freckled Flower Farm
People often ask how we came up with our name…
Hello! We are Kelly and Sara, the owners of The Freckled Flower Farm. Before our days on the farm, we spent six years in Taiwan teaching, and that’s where the story of our name begins.
Sara’s entire family is covered in freckles, but when we moved to Taiwan, we had a rude awakening when it came to these beauty spots. Within our first week living in Taiwan, we had to get passport-size pictures made, so our principal took us to a local Kodak shop. When the photographer handed Sara her photos, he had erased all of her freckles! We were in shock, but our principal and the photographer cheerfully said, “Isn’t she beautiful now?”
That moment has lived with us for over ten years now; the moment of realizing that they truly thought she would want them to change her, and that she was somehow more beautiful without her God-given, gorgeous freckles.
We realized how important it is to see and celebrate all types of beauty and learned that day to celebrate each other’s uniqueness and what makes us different from everyone else. We wanted to continue that celebration with our name and hope that everyone feels welcome to be themselves at our farm or at one our classes.
See you at the farm! xo, Sara + Kelly

The Flower-Lovin' Team

Left to right: Granddaddy Hoho “Shep”, Grandma Hoho “Alice”, Dad “Denny”, Mom “Dedee”, Kelly, Mom “Linda”, Sara, and Dad “Frank”

Little pieces of farm life...
The next time you stop by to pick up a bouquet of flowers from the cooler, have a look around our cooler spot. Now home to endless floral designs, this was actually once the farm’s smokehouse, circa 1945.
You may also find an old jeep that delivered mail in the Montpelier area. We think we should come up with a name for it…you be sure to let us know any ideas, we want to hear them!
And the real farm bosses
Meet Bandit, Poppy and Dahlia, our official Freckled Flower Farm Greeting Committee. They hope to meet you one day soon!

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